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How to Avoid Google Penalties in 2022

Google's homepage on a laptop

The year is 2022, and successful businesses and web admins now understand that Google rankings are as crucial as their services or goods. A high ranking can lead you to a profitable business. However, your rankings are always one penalty away from a dramatic decline in the search results.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are penalised by Google, you’ll need to find an expedient solution to get your site on track. Or perhaps, take assistance from a penalty removal service to gain those hard-earned rankings again. 

Regardless, Google has a comprehensive set of rules for evaluating your site’s competence. Therefore, you need to learn these simple guidelines to prevent your website from a Google penalty. But when in doubt, be sure to consider a Google Penalty Recovery Service to get back in the right standing with the search engine giant.

What to Avoid?

Buying Links

This is the easiest way you may get a Google penalty for your site. If your website gets caught, you’re in big trouble. You might become attracted to the salesy promises from sites selling links. However, it’s all a beautiful trap and Google is smart enough to catch those who are less shrewd online. Therefore, be aware, don’t put your trust in every company that sell links, as paid links are not permitted as part of Google’s terms of service.

Keyword Stuffing

Long have gone the days when keyword stuffing was a trend. Today, it’s one of the biggest mistakes in SEO you can ever make. Google is vigilant and active against sites that stuff keywords in their content. In addition, Google’s BERT algorithm update shows us that Google can understand your site’s content just like your audience. 

So, if your content does not pass its smell test, you are sure to get a penalty. To avoid this situation, you should write quality content that flows naturally. For instance, it should sound like a normal human being. In addition, your targeted keywords concentration should not exceed 3% of the text. 

Shallow Content

Since BERT can analyze your website content like humans, it can easily detect shallow content. You might get penalized if your content is not well written with in-depth research from blogs related to your niche. 

Copyright Infringement

Plagiarized content, or duplicate content, as Google calls it, is an extremely sensitive issue for the search engine. It covers two criteria. One is when your page has content identical to other sites. As a result, all websites will receive the same indexing, which creates a disaster since none will show up in the search result. In addition, if you’re posting your original content on other websites, such as guest blogs, you may get a Google penalty. Be sure to use a plagiarism detector so you keep your content right and high quality.

Too Many Ads

The Page Layout update by Google is an algorithm that penalizes sites with overly cluttered ads. In addition, this makes your audience struggle to find the information they’re in search of. As a result, they’ll simply bounce off your site. As a result, these top-heavy websites are likely to get a Google penalty. Moreover, it will cost you a lot of hard work for penalty removal

Hiding Content 

Google respects transparency for its users. You can never trick the search engine by hiding content to rank higher. However, if you get yourself into matching the background colours with your text on your site, be ready to get a Google Penalty in no time. 

Therefore, you should always strive to remain as transparent as possible and add valuable content to your website. 

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