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SEO Basics for Beginners

men working on SEO

Wondering about what is needed for the basics of digital marketing? SEO is a fundamental part of an effective digital marketing strategy but few understand it well enough to implement it effectively. Here are some tips for beginners to start their SEO journey.

Developing a network of links is a fundamental part of SEO. A network of links establishes your authority. To build a strong network of links, you need to know the difference between internal and external links. Internal links are links that are generated within your domain. The best way to create a strong network of internal links is to create content that is relevant to your audience. This can be achieved through various SEO techniques. Learn how to create effective internal links and build them into your website and more by reading on.


One of the most overlooked SEO basics is the title of your website. If you want users to click on your link, make sure it’s descriptive. Don’t forget to use heading tags, or H1 to H6 tags, to head different sections of your content. They should be descriptive and contain your target keywords. Quality URLs describe what your page has to offer. For example, if you’re an eCommerce website that sells tennis shoes, make sure to optimize your pages around both product and informational keywords.

Meta description

The meta description on your website is an essential part of SEO optimization. Although it doesn’t directly impact search rankings, it can increase click-through rates. Search engines view meta descriptions as indirect signals. They can inspire searchers to visit your website. Moreover, they can improve your overall rankings.

Linking strategy

The quality of the page that you’re linking from will impact your search engine rankings. Search engines prioritize high-quality, trusted sites when ranking a website. Many people simply link to the home page of a website when talking about it, which can make individual pages difficult to rank. Anchor text and content can help determine which page should receive the link. To get more information, visit Pretty Links.

Page structure

URLs should follow the page structure. Using website structure to determine what type of URLs to use will help you make sure your site is crawled properly. Besides a URL, you should use a slug (pronounced “suck”) as your page name. Using the correct slug will help both users and crawlers find the information they need. In addition, the URL must include the keywords that your content targets.


What is relevance and how does it relate to SEO? Relevance is important in the search engine optimization process because it affects where you show up in a search. Relevance can be literal or semantic. For example, an apple hyperlink could be either literal or semantic. The importance of relevance in SEO can’t be overstated. Aside from SEO, it’s crucial to your overall online marketing strategy.

Site map

The main purpose of a sitemap is to allow search engines to properly index web pages. Search engines read text on websites and index it in their database. The design and structure of a website can affect its SEO performance. Complicated and large sites tend to use convoluted layouts and internal URLs that interlink in “illegible” ways. This makes your site harder to crawl and will decrease your ranking in the search engines.

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